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June 08, 2022
In 2015, when we moved Gindo's Spice of Life from its birthplace in Los Angeles, California to the Tri-Cities of Illinois, we felt like the new kid in town stepping off the school bus for the first time. The majority of our lives having been spent on the west coast in a city venerated as a land of opportunity, we left behind not only close friends, but a whole culture of people who mutually respected our dream as much as we did theirs.
We dug in and set to work applying for farmers markets all over the Fox Valley area, with our first being in downtown Batavia, Illinois, where our booth was placed beside our future friends and collaborators, Tony and Sharon Pferschy, husband and wife owners of pricelessly named Garlic Breath Farm in Elburn, Illinois. Having also launched their business in 2015, we were both new kids on the block. A few hundred cold, rainy, hot, and windy farmers markets later, both of our businesses are growing at previously unimaginable rates, and we now offer several limited release garlic hot sauce collaborations in partnership throughout the year.
Our collaborations have involved several varieties of the 50,000 bulbs of garlic the Pferschys grow annually on a 3 acre micro farm behind their home. Each is planted by hand, one clove at a time. Ingredients for Gindo’s Hot Sauces are sourced first and foremost from local farms and businesses. Lucky for us, Garlic Breath Farm grows an assortment of garlic with some serious fire as well as robust flavor. This way, we get to support other small businesses while having access to the highest quality ingredients straight out of the soil.
“2018 was the year that we first collaborated with Gindo’s. I’ll never forget the conversation that Mary and I had about it at the Batavia Farmer’s Market and what a hit the Garlic Breath Farm and Gindo’s collab of Garlic Scape sauce ended up being. I think we were their first collaboration ever, and so it’s such a proud moment to see all the businesses they now collaborate with and how it has helped to define their business in such a unique way." - Tony & Sharon Pferschy
Did you know that in its crushed form garlic is high in allicin, a compound known for anti-microbial/fungal properties, as well as its ability to lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol, and more? With the health benefits of hot sauce in mind, you have yet another reason to justify your obsession (as if you needed one?!) beyond the out of this world flavor profile of these garlicky limited releases.
Like Gindo’s, Garlic Breath Farm offers recipes for even the most novice chef. Check out this Black Garlic Sweet Heat Ice Cream recipe, made with one of our first hot sauce collaborations together!
Some Garlic Breath harvested varieties (and those highest in allicin) we’ve used in our hot sauces have included:
Porcelain Music: Rich, garlicky flavor with a strong, robust and pungent flavor. It’s the standard garlic grown at Garlic Breath Farm and used day-to-day. Great eaten raw, in salsas, or in Gindo’s Porcelain Music hot sauce!
Hardneck Romanian Red: Vibrant and HOT, with sweet and nutty undertones.
Black Garlic: Black garlic has undergone a fermentation process lasting 12 days, which renders the cloves soft with a toasted molasses flavor. Said to be very high in antioxidants, it goes well with acorn soups, sliced up in various dishes, and can even be popped in your mouth raw - like candy!
Georgian Fire: One of the absolute hottest tasting porcelain varieties, and leaves a wonderful aftertaste. As the Garlic Breath motto goes, “If everyone had garlic breath, no one would be offended!”
Garlic Scapes: Garlic scapes form later in the season. As a garlic plant grows and matures, it sends up bright green stalks which curl, with a closed bud at the top. When the buds open, it means the bulb below is ready for harvest. However, the long, green, curly garlic scapes are harvested before the pods open up. Milder, they can be roasted or sauteed alone or with other vegetables for a less sharp garlicky flavor.
No, really. He’s Sharon’s pet pig!
You can follow Kevin Bacon Pferschy on Facebook. He’s even inspired a hot sauce! Look for Gindo’s Truffle Dandelion Pesto hot sauce, which just dropped in May 2022.
Bill Moore knows hot sauce.
Come by either of our booths at any local farmers market (Garlic Breath Farm schedule of events), or shop online via Garlic Breath Farm or Gindo’s Hot Sauce.
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May 16, 2023
Chicagoland breweries have developed a strong affinity for collaborating with Gindos, and there are several reasons why this partnership has become so popular.
April 13, 2023
November 06, 2022
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